Large or small, global or local – we supply garments to different types of businesses world-wide. Among our clients are brands, independent designers, sustainable start-ups, artists, bars, schools and music bands.

AnimalSouls, a newly established sustainable Danish brand. We helped them with t-shirts and high-quality prints for these beautiful motives. We hope that the customers will be content knowing the t-shirt is made of 100% recycled materials, something that goes hand in hand with the message to care for all animals and our vulnerable nature.
Minimum, an international fashion brand with Danish roots, is also a client of ours. We have developed several 100% recycled garments for Minimum, and thus helping them in the transition towards a more sustainable portfolio and brand. This garment is recycled denim, giving the sweater a nice, natural melange print.

Disillusioned Millenial, a US based sustainable brand, have found our company to best serve their needs. As they are not buying huge quantities, we still can provide flexibility and reasonable prices for smaller brands like this. We work with companies from all over the world, this being one example.
Gensyn bar, the coziest neighbourhood corner in Fredriksberg, Copenhagen, is a client of ours. We supply 100% recycled t-shirts and hoodies that is branded with the Gensyn logo, used for workwear and re-sale to loyal fans. Quality and sustainability is part of the concept of this bar, and why would they treat the workwear differently.

From Our Customers
“Textile Pioneers is the key partner behind our more sustainable ‘Essentials’ concept. They push the boundaries for sustainability and support us in the journey of becoming a more sustainable fashion brand.”
“After months of researching for the perfect partner, I’m so happy I found Textile Pioneers. As a new client without much experience in the textile and clothing industry, they were there every step of the way to walk me through the process.”