What is authentic organic cotton?
As Pioneers, we’re on the constant look-out for better alternatives. So when we came across this crop, we became really interested.
This particular type of cotton does not exhaust the soil, it’s non-GMO (non genetically modified) and it doesn’t require pesticides to grow. This is basically going back to nature, and we really like the sound of that.
The conventional GMO cotton crop has become the most polluting crop there is, and the industry is demanding huge amounts of water and nasty pesticides that are harmful for both humans, animals and the nature. Organic cotton is undoubtfully a better alternative – but have we come across and even better alternative than ‘normal’ organic cotton here?

What’s the difference between authentic organic cotton and ‘normal’ organic cotton?
The main difference between authentic and normal organic cotton is that the authentic organic cotton is an even more natural crop that does not exhaust the soil. As a result, authentic organic cotton can grow all year around, where normal organic cotton is usually only grown during the winter. During the summer, the fields are usually fallow due to the exhaust from the cotton growth and the summer heat.
With authentic organic farming, the farmer will get a higher yield from the land. He or she can either grow cotton all year around or choose to grow food on the land during the cooler winter season. Win-win for the planet and the farmer, granting the farmer a more sustainable financial livelihood.
What now? What’s the drawback, if any?
We are looking further into the growth principals and the social aspects of this specific organic cotton type but were too thrilled about our initial findings to not share them with you. If you are as passionate about sustainable textile production as we are, please reach out to us, we are happy to share.
We use authentic organic cotton in some of our t-shirts, like this soft piece in 100% authentic organic GOTS certified cotton.