Tekstiler af genanvendte fibre
Vi fremstiller cirkulære tekstiler i høj kvalitet med god holdbarhed, og leverer globalt til B2B kunder.
Kontakt os hvis du ønsker hjælp til din næste specialproduktion.
Vi sikrer innovation i en beskidt branche

Hvad er det vi laver?
Vi leverer mere bæredygtige specialprodukter, helt efter dine ønsker. Du kan frit vælge mellem at benytte nogle af vores designs eller komme med dit helt eget.
Hvis du har behov for en mindre kvantitet er det heller intet problem. Her har vi et færdigt sortiment liggende, du frit kan vælge fra, og hvis du ønsker det, hjælper vi gerne med print, så du får dit helt eget udtryk på tøjet.
Vi samarbejder hele tiden med vores dygtige leverandører for at udvikle ”nye” typer genanvendte materialer. Det betyder også at når du vælger at købe dine produkter hos os, er du med til at støtte den videre udvikling og sikre konstant innovation.
Vi holder gerne oplæg på konferencer, erhvervsskoler og i andre fora, hvor vi kan dele ud af vores omfattende viden om genanvendte materialer og cirkularitet. Kontakt os endelig hvis du vil vide mere eller have skræddersyet et oplæg til dit publikum.
Se bare på tallene hvor stor gavn vi sammen har gjort I 2023
Der er ingen planet B!
liter vand sparet
engangs-plastikflasker genanvendt
kg bomuldsaffald genanvendt
kg pesticider vi har sparet grundvandet for
We are a textile innovation house based in Copenhagen. With the latest updated knowledge on sustainable production, we support our customers and the industry in the process of going from conventional to sustainable textile production.

Forgangspersoner for branchen siden 2015
Vores tekstilinnovationshus ligger på Frederiksberg, omkranset af København. Med den altid nyeste viden indenfor bæredygtighed, understøtter vi vores kunder i transitionen fra konventionel til en mere bæredygtig produktion.
Cirkularitet i fokus
Inden 2024 skal alle EU medlemslande sørge for tekstilsortering, men hvad skal vi dog stille op med de store mængder tekstilaffald?
Vi arbejder konstant for at sikre en effektivisering i genanvendelsen af tekstilaffaldet, og herigennem at hjælpe samfundet mod en mere cirkulær økonomi.

Sammen om cirkulære løsninger
Vi omstiller Danmark
Closing Loops er et tæt fællesskab for små og mellemstore danske virksomheder, som sammen med dygtige eksperter finder konkrete cirkulære løsninger i forskellige værdikæder.
På tværs af brancher og geografi har deltagerne hinandens ryg. Vi finder nye måder at samarbejde på, som kan føre til både forandring og forretning.
Projektet er meget konkret. På tre år skal vi reducere en betydelig mængde CO2og tonnage.

Lille eller stor, lokal eller global. Hos os er alle velkomne. Vi leverer til alle typer kunder – både private og offentlige – og alle brancher, globalt. Blandt vores kunder er butikskæder, kunstnere, designere, iværksættere, musikere, skoler, kommuner og mange mange flere.
From Our Customers
“Textile Pioneers is the key partner behind our more sustainable ‘Essentials’ concept. They push the boundaries for sustainability and support us in the journey of becoming a more sustainable fashion brand.”
“After months of researching for the perfect partner, I’m so happy I found Textile Pioneers. As a new client without much experience in the textile and clothing industry, they were there every step of the way to walk me through the process.”
Vision for textile-to-textile future
Danish Pioneer-work
New projects are emerging in Denmark and abroad; They are on a mission to make a living off of creating new textiles from textile waste. Textile Pioneers has made their mark at home [in Denmark ed.] for their effort.
The small business, based in Copenhagen, has just started a collaboration with a factory in Portugal, where they kan recycle almost any type of textile. By using Mechanical recycling, where the textiles are scratched up and subsequently spun into new yarns, which can be used for new garments
2nd of September 2021, on stage at the National Climate meet in Denmark
Discussing sustainable production and consumption2nd of September 2021, we could be found on stage at the National Climate meet in Denmark, discussing sustainable production and consumption. After 3 days at the National Climate meet we left feeling inspired and...
Interested in Sustainability? Join our WALK & TALK?
COME JOIN US FOR A WALK & TALKWe are introducing a series of monthly walk & talks. We’d like to share our knowledge, and opinions, on all subjects related to sustainability. We’d also like your take on sustainability. We often hear that Government...
New leaps for textile recycling: becoming greener and more commercially interesting
Things are moving on the recycling arena; the quality of the output is way better with new technology and we can now cut out chemicals all together. Have a read to learn more.
We in Textile Pioneers have created the first Danish initiatives on recycling old stock lots from a fashion company and make new garments of the same material.
What 2021 will bring to textile recycling
Thoughts from circular textile nerds at TEXTILE PIONEERS in Copenhagen. This is what we see coming in 2021!
Natural dyes – going back to the roots
The dyeing process has a large negative climate impact in clothes production. But there are better options! Learn more about Natural dyes in this article. We can use natural waste materials and get beautiful colors on recycled cotton garments. It’s all about going back to the roots.
Ever heard of authentic organic cotton? Even better than ‘normal’ organic cotton.
We have all heard that organic cotton is better than conventional cotton. But is there an even better option out there? Wanna learn about authentic organic cotton – read this!
What is recycled polyester and is it really sustainable?
Plastic is still plastic – right? Does not sound so sustainable to me. We explain why we believe that recycled polyester is a sustainable solution, when we now have all this plastic produced. Do you want to learn how we produce our recycled plastic – read this!
We never stop exploring new waste opportunities. Make sure to get the latest news and innovations.